Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lady Droivers

I intended to write about this, but decided it would be funnier as a video. I also intended to spend days on it, but I spent only 15 minutes on it. My point might've gotten mangled in the process, but COME ON! Get it together, womens.


  1. That was GREAT. ahhh I laughed so many times. I loved "and sure as shit!" You look beautimous!

  2. You actually saw some dude get his head run over? JeSUS! I miss everything interesting. All I ever saw was this fight in Costco, which was admittedly pretty hilarious. Your eye makeup is stellar, doll. <3

  3. i know you are NOT talking about me flying past you on 40 a few weeks ago while talking to megan (not on speaker), drinking coffee, and smoking a cigarette. i know you know i'm the exeption

  4. and i know you know that i meant to say exception

  5. HAHAHA, you're actually surprisingly good at multitasking while driving! better than me, fa sho. there are multiple ladies who have done this, but there was one in particular talking on her iphone with a pink case who kept speeding up and slowing down. she was having the hardest time lighting her cig, i guess.
