Saturday, April 2, 2011

Swollen Tongues and Benedryl Naps

It was a wild ride. And no, I'm not talking about an amusement park folly, I'm talking about the glory of a CT scan.

Not only did I have to prep my innards by drinking two massive barium shakes that tasted like chalky, rancid berry Kool-Aid, but I wasn't allowed to eat for hours upon hours. I almost pulled a Liz Lemon, as my desire to flip over every table I encountered grew as my hunger did.

(Photo via:

I spent the morning fighting my hunger and the urge to vomit everywhere while copy editing audio pages at USAirways magazine. I didn't plan on that, but I think that's a pretty awesome and productive gonna to add to yesterday's list.

I drove over a few buildings to get the epic CT scan after that. Aside from the fact that the machine looked like a giant formidable donut, the scan went well. That is, until they injected some kind of strange dye into my body via IV. When I got off of the platform to leave, my tongue was numb and swollen. Soon it spread to my throat, and the doctor came to check on me before the nurse finally threw me a Benedryl. I wish that it was hilarious (see Hitch), but I really just sat in a chair and had rolling panic attacks until my medicine kicked in.

The point is, allergic reaction and all, my gonna for the day was done. Luckily, I didn't plan anything else because I came home and succumbed to the Benedryl coma tugging at the back of my eyes. I imagine I probably drooled a bit and maybe even snored. It was some pretty intense shit.

Today I'm gonna: go to a babyshower and submit some resumés. Not an astounding plan, but a good one after a rough Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Love that you thought of channeling Liz Lemon even in your discomfort! That allergic reaction sounds awful :( Thank God for immobilizing Benadryl.
