Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My First Missed Post

If I failed at all other things, the one thing I didn't want to fail at was this blog itself. Yesterday, I missed my first post. I throw my hands up on this one.

(photo cred: my girl MaryE)

Can't change it and no one's gonna cry about it, so what's the point in feeling bad about it? We'll all live. Well, maybe.

My health problems came back two-fold with no forgiveness. I literally had to sleep on the floor on my yoga mat to keep my abdomen flat enough. I probably looked like a squatter in a heroin den, which is why I'm completely unsurprised that my roommate's face was a mixture of horror/laughter when she opened my door to find I was on the floor.

I stayed there all day because I couldn't move without feeling like I was being crushed by a ton of bricks, so I finally came home to double check things with my doctor. It was only a day earlier than I planned to make the trip anyway, so in a way, I'm rockin' that gonna.

Regardless of my completely horizontal setback, I still feel like I accomplished something. Aside from the fact that I completely finished all my Monday gonnas, I also managed to quell any fears or anxiety about my health issues on Tuesday, which is a fantastic breakthrough for the rampant hypochondriac I happen to be.

Today I'm gonna: exercise in moderation, do whatever the birthday girl wants (MY MOM), and try to bring some overall order back in my life.

I'm also gonna thank every single one of you for getting my little blog to over 1,000 views in 2 weeks!

We'll be back to your regular broadcasting of daily blogs and drollery tomorrow, even if it has to be through pain-clenched teeth.

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