Monday, January 9, 2012


On the first day of 2012, J and I woke up incredibly early, unzipped our tent, and looked onto a beautiful sunrise. We were nicely lazy, had some mimosas, and later cooked the traditional southern foods for good luck. But most of all, we talked about our resolutions with a real fervor. It was honestly the best start to a brand new year I've ever had, and I'm determined for that feeling to be the bookmark of 2012.

While we were naming and numbering our resolutions, he suggested that we write them down on a piece of poster board. It took me a couple of days, but I drew up a nice little list that we can put up to remind us of the things we're gonna do this year.

You can see the gonnas made it a la the overcoming fears resolution. While I feel like I'm in the process of kicking off the other four resolutions before and after it, I'm afraid I'm a little stuck on that pesky (and very important) number four.

See, I just can't force myself to call the dentist. I keep prolonging the process by double, triple, QUADRUPLE checking the list I have, making sure that I'm solid in my choice of dentist. I keep saying "Oh, I'm DEFINITELY going with that one for sure," only to reneg when I start feeling anxious about what comes AFTER I make the appointment. I really just need to shake the shit out of myself, "Spaced" style.

I NEED to go to the dentist to feel better. I NEED to stop worrying about things that might not even happen. I NEED to have that awesome post-teeth cleaning feeling in my mouth. I NEED to call one of these dentists before the end of this week, or else I'm gonna need an intervention... or ya know, just get J to put the phone in my hand and make me call.

I promise to have some uplifting/funny entries this week while I'm trying to get this stuff done. I'll be back Friday to let you know if I made progress on this latest gonna!


  1. This was awesome! It's so inspiring. I feel the need to really adhere to some changes myself. You can do this dentist thing!

  2. I make myself do stuff by getting the mindset of inevitability. It is going to happen. So I had better just suck it up and deal. I am GOING to make that appointment and fight that fight, sing on that stage, whatever. No idea if this might be helpful in your case, but it works for me! Good luck, girl!
